
Welcome to the Schreiber Kft. website! Since its establishment in 1996, our company has been engaged in sheet metal processing and the production of small and medium-sized, semi-finished and finished products made of sheet metal. Our services cover the complete production process, from planning to product preparation and powder coating to assembly, packaging, and delivery of semi-finished or finished products. Since our foundation, we have been continuously expanding and developing our machine park to meet the requirements of increasingly modern production and processing processes. We program our production machines with a special software package specially developed for this purpose, which greatly facilitates the lightning-fast preparation of nestings and technologies.

Quality work


Short deadlines


Competitive prices


Powder coating

Powder coating

After proper preparation and cleaning of the parts, we coat the parts up to a maximum part size of 6000x1200x2300mm in our powder coating plant.



We program our production machines with a software package specially developed for this purpose, which facilitates the lightning-fast preparation of sheet metal parts.

Lézervágás, stancolás

Laser cutting, punching/nibbling

The sheet's to be cut are processed on a laser cutting or punching machine, depending on the part and the customer's needs.



Depending on the customer's needs and product, we can also assembly, pack and deliver semi-finished or finished products with a routine, fast team.